Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Monday, August 2nd

True Blood
Mad Men
Shark Week - Ultimate Air Jaws

True Blood this week got good. I can feel that post-halfway-point crescendo building, and it sounds beautiful! I love Sam on a mission, saving his brother and freeing dogs- I just wished he'd let Joe Lee have it. I have to confess I'm a little afraid of Hoyt's one-date girlfriend Summer, though I really wanted biscuits during her scene. I keep wondering if he and Jessica will get back together. And where was Jessica this episode? If they do get back together, I'm pretty sure Summer will go Fellowship of the Sun on Jessica, or try to anyway. Seems possible. On the other side of possible, Sookie's journey to fae land was a little weird. It looked like a parody of Grecian nymphs. I thought it was an interesting way to expose Sookie's family lineage, or to hint at the "mystery" as it were, but the scene was a little weird to me. I thought Jason was great in the hospital, worrying about Sookie, and it's adorable when Jason is in "love" -- but I know things are going to get dangerous with him sniffing around Hotshot. Speaking of dangerous, poor Magister. I love the Eric-Sophie-Anne-Russell Edington madness that's happening. I used to think Eric was ruthless until we met the King of Mississippi - quite the sociovampath. I'm ready for True Blood to get super crazy, and it's on its way!

Mad Men makes my Sundays, and this Sunday was no different. However, Don Draper, shame on you for sleeping with your secretary, trying to seduce your neighbor and being so drunk you can't unlock your door. I like office parties on shows, and this was no exception, especially since it brought the Christmas spirit to August -- Joan really did look like a gift in her awesome red dress. Roger has had some killer lines so far this season, and I realized I only like him when he's being funny/not around his awful wife, Jane, who kind of got minigroped by the honored guest at that party. I would say the disappointment of last night's show was the reappearance of Glen, aka the creepy boy who watched Betty pee. The only thing creepier than him vandalizing the house is how happy Sally was that he did it. That kid freaks me out -- more than most kids. Can't wait for more, Mad Men.

Shark Week is one of my most anticipated weeks of the year. In the past, some of the gimmicks have started to run a little flat -- here's looking at you computer generated prehistoric sharks. But this week's appetizer, Ultimate Air Jaws, failed to wow. Oh wow, two Seal Islands. Oh wow, sharks jump out of the water. Oh wow, sharks have to work up to being able to take out a seal mid-air. Old news, Shark Week. I mean, it's still awesome to see great whites jump like that, but I just -- it felt a little stale. Then crazy host man decides to get into a kayak smaller than some of the sharks swimming around him because there generally aren't shark attacks in the area -- until four days after they filmed! What?!? I just hope the rest of Shark Week is a little better. I don't like shitty reenactments of attacks. Taking my viewership for granted would be .... jumping the shark.