Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Saturday, 6/26

Saturday, 6/26
USA v. Ghana
Disaster Date

I paired the World Cup match with a lovely Arbor Mist Strawberry Zinfandel. I was only two or three glasses in when, sadly, Ghana scored early on overtime, leading (much) later to a Ghana win. All to the tune of those damn vuvuzelas, which make me thing at any moment a horde of bees are going to attack. But either way, sad.

Disaster date. My friend's BF loves Disaster Date, and while he exercised (lame-- and by that I mean I'm jealous of fitness), I started in one the Bennett Family Russian River, a light chardonnay. I would say more, but really I know nothing about wine other than I prefer white to red and it gets me feeling groovy way faster than beer. We have seen the same guy as the date, waiter and background actor in three in a row. This show is bad and has nothing on Next or, a long, long time ago, Singled Out. That hasn't stopped me from watching an episode per glass (4). Also, a guy was eating pasta during one of the dates, and I am looking quite forward to being driven to a certain downtown restaurant for pasta and delicious )hopefully alcohol absorbent) bread.

Friday, 6/25

Better Off Ted

Finished the first season of Better Off Ted. I really was so impressed by the show. The dynamic between Phil and Lem almost reminds of me Moss and Roy from The IT Crowd (a British gem that makes me laugh out loud so much I'm sure the neighbors are concerned). My real only complaint about the show is Linda, whose character is kind of lame and do-goody, a presence that has no place in Veridian Dynamics. She's too good, too business casual and honestly too obviously (and not entirely self-aware) of her feelings for Ted-- and she reminds of Busy Phillips, who honestly I have never much cared for and is definitely the worst part of Cougar Town. Oh, and Ted (Jay Harrington) looks kind of like the lead singer from Maroon 5, Adam Levine, but just less Eurotrashy. I'm not saying I don't like it. Overall, very happy with this 13 episode season. The Jabberwocky episode was quite delightful, especially with the dancing by Ted and Veronica. Oh, but the most priceless moment was the revelation of Veronica's secret life as a magician's assistant. Veronica: I can't function here if people know that twice a month I put on half an ounce of spandex and hide a dove in my... let's just say it's not comfortable for me or the dove.

Bravo, can't wait until season two is available to stream or by other (ill-gotten?) means.

Fear was on when I dragged myself home around 1:00? 1:30? 2:00? Not totally sure. This movie has been a horrible guilty pleasure of mine since I first saw it on cable. Young Marky Mark, Reese Witherspoon and Alyssa Milano, not to mention William Petersen (how weird is it to see Gil Grissom sans shirt?) . And, of course, who could forget the roller coaster seen, complete with a "Wild Horses" cover. It's all romance and sloppy kissing until Marky Mark gets a little crazy, breaks into the house and finally gets his by getting nailed with a peace pipe and pushed through a window. Good times.


Thursday, 6/24

Better Off Ted

Bluebeard is a beautiful story by French director Catherine Breillat. In the 1950s, two girls read the story of two sisters who lived a long time ago and how their fates entangled with that of the monstrous Bluebeard. Bluebeard likes his wives young and mysteriously disappeared early in the marriage. The younger of the two sisters, Marie-Catherine, in the 17th century, marries Bluebeard and prances about the castle in a carefree way only a girl who has always wanted to be rich and have jewels while being incredibly unconcerned of the fates of those before her can. Equally entertaining are the two more contemporary sisters. One reads aloud the tale while the other squirms, uncomfortable with the story. The film is visually mesmerizing, and the only thing more surprising than Marie-Catherine's fate is that of the young girls in the 1950s - it's a jolt so sudden, so blink and you'll miss it, that it reminds me that this is the director of Romance X, Fat Girl and other radically feminist films that have been turning heads for over 30 years.

I had seen the pilot for Better Off Ted, enjoyed it, seen an Arrested Development alum and figured I better not get too attached because it would be canceled ASAP. But, through Netflix Instant, I took in a couple of episodes. I'm already tired of Linda and Ted, but I love the lab team of Lem and Phil. I'll keep it in mind for taking in with my morning waffle.


Wednesday, 6/23

The Good Guy
Coco Before Chanel

The Good Guy, a mindless, 20-something dramedy starring Alexis Bledel and Bryan Greenberg, both of whom I have a soft spot for, was worth watching kind of like five cookies at midnight are worth eating. You enjoy it at the time, but you wake up knowing you could have done without. Though Greenberg is always earnest and believable as the guy in love with his friend's girl, Bledel (who I love, love, love from Gilmore Girls but have trouble believing since) comes off as kind of empty and seems like she's acting too hard at acting. I mean, of course I'm happy I watched it, but it was not good, especially the narration by third main character who I guess is some kind of big deal from Friday Night Lights. Oh, and it has the chick from My Girl, all grown up and acting a hot mess who can't hold on to her purse...or man. Downgrade.

Coco Before Chanel. I love Audrey Tautou. I do. She glows from within, lights up the screen But I actually didn't love this telling of Coco's early life. It was fun, trying, sad to see her pass herself from man to man, but I don't know if I should blame the make-up artist or hair stylist (or maybe some person on set looking for authenticity) for Tautou's lack of sparkle. I get it, Chanel believes in simplicity, not wearing a fruit basket for a hat, but Tautou's performance was kind of flat and had no sparkle, even when she was in the arms of Boy.

TiMER. Oh wow, in the future we get clocks stamped into our wrists that tell us the day we'll meet our soulmate, or so says the premise of this futuristic rom-com starring Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Emma Caulfield as a woman whose TiMER is blank. She passes time by taking all potential suitors to get a TiMER, then is disappointed when hers remains blank. She meets a cute little grocery guy (who is of course in a band) with four months on his TiMER, a time limit on their relationship, and decides to let go and have fun. It's an interesting premise, and the movie could have been much more excellent if it hadn't been quite so tongue in cheek about the ridiculous concept. Though actually I enjoyed the film, once I got past the whole "woman on a quest to meet her soulmate because otherwise what is life" thing. Probably my favorite of the day.

Tuesday, 6/22

Pretty Little Liars
Merlin, Season Two

No pint night led to me watching Pretty Little Liars and Gravity on Tuesday instead of Wednesday (thank you, higher power, for giving me a friend with DVR). I have to say, despite most of the Pretty Little Liars looking just a few years shy from Botox (seriously! Some of these girls are 30 years old!), it's a highly entertaining, if empty and predictable, show. But just because you see what's going to happen from a mile away, that doesn't make it less enjoyable to watch.

Gravity, a great original series from Starz, was really lovely this week with a wrenching, if horribly sappy, speech from Lilly. If you would have told me I'd be watching a show about a support group for failed suicide attemptees -- well, forge that because I love the premise. The characters are (haha) alive, and I must say I am very impressed with the Starz original programming of late. I'm talking to you, Spartacus: Blood and Sand.

And of course I finished up the last of Merlin, season two, which, though formulaic, I have been enjoying the dragon out of. The last episode was bittersweet, but no matter. I love the rapport between Gaius and Merlin (Colin Morgan) - who is always dressed like a hipster of contemporary times with his colorful tunic and neckerchief. They really have a bond like family, and watching Merlin struggle with his own family, especially in the face of Arthur's endless barrage of sarcasm. Love it.

Monday, June 21

Prison Break, Season Three

I need to stop trying to watch this show. I loved season one, survived season two, and season three is so off-base I stopped watching it like two months ago. I returned after one too many drinks only to realize I really can't stand watching Michael Scofield sweat through his shirt anymore while his brother fails at looking like he has a brain to think with.***

*** I reserve the right to take this back and watch the rest of season three any time I want.