Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Thursday, 7/1

The Closet (La placard)

The Closet is another beautiful gem that Netflix pushed me towards by reminding me I had only one day to watch it! Thank goodness I made the time for this film. Some of my favored French actors, Daniel Auteuil and of course Gerard Depardieu (isn't his name fun to say?) star in this comedy about an accountant who is a drag. Still in love with his wife who left him two years ago, can't get his son to visit, left out of the company photo, Pignon gets fired from...a condom factory! A mewing kitten and talk of jumping off his balcony lead to a visit with a pushy neighbor with a plan - manipulate images from a gay club to feature Pignon and mail them to the company. The pictures are quickly distributed throughout the company, and Pignon is of course kept on. Now, he is interesting, and due to an appearance on the company float during a pride parade, someone his son wants to see. Meanwhile, Depardieu's Santini gets taught a lesson by co-workers fed up with his machismo who tell him if he isn't nicer to Pignon he'll be fired...enter the most awkward lunch ever and a pink cashmere sweater.
What I love about The Closet is how it handles the idea of perception. Pignon does not arrive at work the next day in assless chaps and eyeliner-- he acts exactly the same, and all that changes is how much people gossip about him. And of course, while the film is mostly light, there are larger issues, such as the neighbor who "was fired for the exact same reason you're not." And, honestly, the kitten in the film is so precious, but I have cats on the brain! Fear not subtitles - j'adore this movie!

I'm blaming Armored's appearance in my mailbox on my deep affection for Columbus Short (yeah, the guy from Stomp the Yard). It's a heist movie, plain and incredibly simple, with what could be an amazing cast - Jean Reno, Laurence Fishborne, Skeet Ulrich and of course Matt Dillon, who I actually don't think is very good, but whatever. They drive armored trucks. With a lot of money. But they all need/want money. I mean, Short's Ty has a kid brother to support because they tragically lost both of their parents, and Matt Dillon is Ty's godfather-- which is really fucked up considering how shit plays out. The movie was predictable, which to me isn't a be all end all dealbreaker. What killed was the stilted, unconvincing dialogue that I could basically predict as it tumbled about of the actors' mouths-- you could almost tell it left bad tastes in their mouths. Only surprise in this one was Milo Ventimiglia as a curious-as-a-cat cop. Skip it.


Wednesday, 6/30

Entourage, Season 6
How I Met Your Mother

Pretty slow day here, very occupied with a possible life changing event, but still made time for my favorite mistress, HBO. I realized I missed the last season of Entourage, so I'm catching up. Nothing spectacular, just random appearance of THIS GIRL from a Lifetime movie in which she had syphilis and got drunk with Emma from DeGrassi. I mean, she looks and is as tall as a 15-year-old, so at least she's on E's level...Honestly, so far it's been kind of boring, and no one has had a good story line in my opinion. Also, I've seen Vince with his shirt off a lot lately, and he really is the anti-movie star. Hey, I'm not judging. If I get two hours of exercise a week it's an accomplishment, but I'm also not a millionaire with the capability of a home gym. Just saying.

Paired a repeat of HIMYM with Ovaltine and toast, aka lazy dinner. Not even an especially good episode (Marshall forgets his pants/Ted re-hooks up with an old, pretentious girlfriend played by Donna from That '70s Show/Sorry, bro), but even the non-winners have good rewatch value.

What a slow day for me and TV, but I'm too excited about other possible life changes. Also distracting is the idea of Johnny Depp in a Doctor Who movie. I am very anti this. David Tennant or bust, bitches!

Tuesday, 6/29

Pretty Little Liars
Lie to Me
The Remains of the Day

Pretty Little Liars continues to be like a recent Britney Spears record. It's a little slutty, but it's so entertaining I can't help but like it. I can only say so much other than:
1. I want my own Mr. Fitz.
2. As much as I am hoes before bros, I kind of want the overachiever to hook up with her sister's ex-fiance.
This show makes me an awful person. Can't wait until next week.

Watched Lie to Me, and even though it's formulaic to the extreme (House + some procedural drama) I've loved Tim Roth since I saw him in The Legend of 1900. Even though his weird hunch and rat teeth are a little weird. Still like the show.

The Remains of the Day just proves that I still can't see Anthony Hopkins without picturing him in a onesie behind a plastic wall. Sorry, bro. I was pushed, ever so gently, by Netflix Instant who told me that this movie would be disappearing from Instant soon, thus lighting a fire under my couch-sitting ass. I liked it. I can't tell you why, as most of it was Anthony Hopkins bringing drinks to a Nazi sympathizer. But, I mean, it won a shit load of awards. Great performance by Hopkins, Emma Thompson, who, in the final scenes by the boardwalk and on the bus completely and totally broke my heart and even Christopher Reeve (random!). And the story is wonderfully told with letters between Thompson and Hopkins, exchanged years after they served together in the Darlington home, remembering old times, glossing over the bad and slowly changing Hopkins' perception of his lifetime of devotion to his household. Lovely, really, and I mean - it's British so you know I'm going to like it. And I work well with time limits, so expect to hear about The Closet, a French film, by July 1st...


Sunday, July 27th

Flirting with Forty
Lying to be Perfect
True Blood

Flirting with Forty would have gone really well with a glass of Pathetic, but it was Sunday morning, so I went with a little OJ instead. I can't believe I watched this movie...again. Actually, probably for more than the second time. I always go in thinking, oh, just the first 40 minutes so I see the shirtless guy, and two hours later it's over and I hate myself more than when it started. I have to say, I think my biggest problem with the movie (oh god) is her bitchy friends who obviously care more about what the PTA would say than her overall happiness. And hell, if some guys wants her with her weird face and permanently weighted down by college lips, let him have her. But I mean, taking out the trash in a red bikini and Uggs on New Years? Please, knife me before I watch this again.

Lying to be Perfect
, where oh where should I start? I mean, I think it would have gone great with Franzia because I was settling and embarrassed to be seen with it-- and once I started I felt obligated to finish the whole thing. If I'm not mistaken, the main character spent most of her onscreen time in a really unconvincing fat suit. She also spent some time...lying to try to get ahead in her career because her editor wouldn't let her be an advice columnist presumably because she was overweight but wouldn't the picture just be of her face (which is lovely) anyway so what's the big problem other than the need to create a reason for her and two friends to diet together and prove that happiness comes from a smaller jean size and a table by the window? If you thought reading that sentence was tough, you should try watching this movie. Predictable. Not that I always see that as a flaw, and I mean it's on Lifetime, but...ouch. The bright side is after watching Lifetime all day I can feel proud of a few things:
A. I'm not a syphilitic 13-year-old girl with daddy issues.
B. I'm not sleeping with the man that killed my family.
C. I'm not being forced by fake a British accent.
D. I'm not suffering from short-term memory loss and unable to remember my new boyfriend is the man that killed my pregnant identical
Well, maybe the short-term memory loss would be helpful today...

True Blood this week...did not bring Sexy Back, nor would it have paired well with anything. In fact, watching Tara's eyes roll back in her head while her face looks terrified and a very gaunt, British vampire (James Frain aka Forney from Where the Heart Is) does god knows what to her/Bill and Lorena having a very Death Becomes Her moment-- please bring back the Eric dreams. This episode was week filler, the only bright spot of which was the appearance of Alcide, who is far less hairy than you think a were would be. Here's hoping next week is better. Also, reunite Jessica and Hoyt because I'm convinced his good-looking-ness is directly tied to being with Jessica.