Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Monday, July 19

Bones, Season Four
True Blood
Beauty and the Beast

Oh man, I am freaking out that this is the last season of Bones available to stream (right now). It's mostly more of the same, but Dr. Addy (no longer on the staff, but I won't tell you why just in case you want to watch it) is being replaced on a rotating basis by an assortment of doctors and interns. Really though, for me and the show, we want Dr. Addy and his hilarious antics with Dr. Hodgins back. I do like to see Sam Weir from Freaks and Geeks back on TV as Dr. Sweets, a therapist studying Booth and Bones. It's kind of cute, kind of annoying sometimes. Overall, enjoying season four, especially Booth and Bones undercover in a circus as a knife throwing act!

True Blood. Well, this week's episode was much improved over last. At first I really hated Franklin and his creepiness. This episode he was so completely unhinged and emo it was hilarious. "I feel like I just got staked." Lolz. And of course I am a big fan of any screen time Eric gets, and seeing some of his history as it relates to King Russell is interesting. Jessica and Sam's little brother better not do anything other than flirt quietly, and I can't wait to know what's going on with the family (Sam's). The dad is abusive, obvs, but how? I don't know yet, but at least after this week's episode I'm looking forward to next week's, which is more than I can say for earlier episodes in the season.

TCM showed Jean Cocteau's 1946 Beauty and the Beast last night -- introduced by John Lithgow! I have of course seen it before, but I'm a sucker for moving household objects, and this doom and gloom version, though dated and subpar compared to today's technology, is still lovely and beautiful and haunting. Though I will say I could always use a rousing rendition of "Gaston", ala the Disney version.

1 comment:

  1. Bones. Do I want to watch this show? I feel like I can't watch another detective/murder show, but I've heard good things & duh, Zooey's sis Emily. Yes, please. -Emily
