Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Monday, August 30th

True Blood, 3:11
Mad Men, 4:6
The Informant!

True Blood, when will you realize that people watch you for three reasons, and none of them include Tara, Sam's origin story or Hotshot. It's Eric, Eric & Pam and Eric in a tank top. But moving on, with the finale (aka the last episode for months and months) two weeks and zero new episodes away, I can't understand why the show adds new characters and complications when the story lines already feel rushed. What's with Jason catching that V-taking quarterback? Is that important at all for next episode, or Sam's crazy shit? I've been saying it, and I stand by it, there's too much going on. But as far as this episode, I'm thrilled Jessica and Hoyt are back together. I am not a fan of Sam and Tara redux and even though I know they can't kill Eric and my dear sister has told me that older vampires burn faster, OMG @ Eric's burning face. Don't disappoint me next time, True Blood. Please.

Mad Men I thought was great this week. Talk about an origin story I'm okay with, Don Draper as a pushy fur salesman was brilliant, though he did have a kind of goofy, 30 Rock guest star look on his face. Also, only Don Draper could pick up someone over French Fries while he was blacked out drunk. Go, Don! But not really. Also, stop trying to sleep with the scientist; that is a mistake. Also, ease up on kissing the married office manager in a room full of people. However, I loved the victory lap that SPCD took around the table before the Life meeting. I didn't love drunk Don desperately searching for a slogan, though I think it's ironic that he used that guy's (aka Doyle from Gilmore Girls) "cure for the common________" line and has to hire him. Also, go Peggy making penis jokes at your obnoxious co-worker, but I'm not sure I like that you showed him your goodies. However, good work not sleeping with him, because when you sleep with someone in your office you end up pregnant. What ever happened to that baby, anyway? And, let's bring Ken Cosgrove back. Team Cosgrove, not Team I even know his last name? Eh.

The Informant! was...overall good. It made me like Matt Damon as someone other than a super agent. His blissfully naive (I think) character was most enjoyable during his awkward, non-sequitur narration. And I love Joel McHale. And '90s fashion. I feel bad for not having more to say about it...but it was kind of a watch it and forget it kind of deal.

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