Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Friday, 6/25

Better Off Ted

Finished the first season of Better Off Ted. I really was so impressed by the show. The dynamic between Phil and Lem almost reminds of me Moss and Roy from The IT Crowd (a British gem that makes me laugh out loud so much I'm sure the neighbors are concerned). My real only complaint about the show is Linda, whose character is kind of lame and do-goody, a presence that has no place in Veridian Dynamics. She's too good, too business casual and honestly too obviously (and not entirely self-aware) of her feelings for Ted-- and she reminds of Busy Phillips, who honestly I have never much cared for and is definitely the worst part of Cougar Town. Oh, and Ted (Jay Harrington) looks kind of like the lead singer from Maroon 5, Adam Levine, but just less Eurotrashy. I'm not saying I don't like it. Overall, very happy with this 13 episode season. The Jabberwocky episode was quite delightful, especially with the dancing by Ted and Veronica. Oh, but the most priceless moment was the revelation of Veronica's secret life as a magician's assistant. Veronica: I can't function here if people know that twice a month I put on half an ounce of spandex and hide a dove in my... let's just say it's not comfortable for me or the dove.

Bravo, can't wait until season two is available to stream or by other (ill-gotten?) means.

Fear was on when I dragged myself home around 1:00? 1:30? 2:00? Not totally sure. This movie has been a horrible guilty pleasure of mine since I first saw it on cable. Young Marky Mark, Reese Witherspoon and Alyssa Milano, not to mention William Petersen (how weird is it to see Gil Grissom sans shirt?) . And, of course, who could forget the roller coaster seen, complete with a "Wild Horses" cover. It's all romance and sloppy kissing until Marky Mark gets a little crazy, breaks into the house and finally gets his by getting nailed with a peace pipe and pushed through a window. Good times.

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