Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Monday, July 12

True Blood
River Monsters

I have finished the first season of Bones! What an accomplishment? Yeah, I do feel proud, although, like any other crime shows, some of the plots seem completely ludicrous, including the whole thing about her parents. Of course someone so smart and emotionally distant has abandonment issues. Eye roll. Also, for someone who seems to care so much about bones, she has nice curled hair and I'm dying to know what kind of eye makeup she was rocking in one of the later episodes of the season. Anyway, Definitely recommend the show for people with spare time and a soft spot for procedural crime dramas. Bones (Dr. Brennan) really is surprisingly compelling. However, having watched the first episode of season two, I hate the new character they brought on as head of forensics. She wasn't there before, as far as I can tell the job is new/made-up, and I hate petty workplace dramas. It's why I work where I do...well, that and a multiplying amount of "No"s from other places....

True Blood sucks this season. I'm going to say it. There were two good moments last night - the Sookie/Eric dream and Eric saying "brother cousins"-- and that's all. They are taking 54 minutes to tell about 15 worth of story. Sam, your parents/new family are annoying scammers who I still think are going to eat you and grill you behind their van. Tara, I wish your character would die. You are useless. All you do is get involved with creepy guys and screw over Sookie while under their influences. Bill....seriously? I get you are protecting Sookie and maybe you have to be drinking stripper blood and shit, but you are looking rough and wrinkled. Not the Bill I remember from Season One. You have fallen on my True Blood Sex Bracket. Much more of this and I'll be putting your name below Terry's. looked like goth trash last night, and god help me I thought it was hilarious. Eric, you are the only good part of the show. You and Pam. You and Pam and Lafayette.

Dude, River Monsters convinces me even more that I never want to swim in a non-pool environment again.


  1. wheeerreee did you watch trueblood? i can't find it anywhere without having to go through annoying surveys.
