Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Saturday, 7/10


I actually watched Coach a few days ago...Thursday? Yeah, Thursday, when it arrived from Netflix. I'll own up and say the only reason I got it is because I really like Hugh Dancy. It was a pretty subpar movie about a trust fund guy who coaches a youth soccer team and meets a nice doctor. Yawn. Not even Hugh's charm could save this overall snooze with a side plot about absentee/hard-working dad and his son.

I started watching Bones...Tuesday, Wednesday? When a friend of mine told me a friend of his was in one episode I've been magnetized since, mostly because I am completely fascinated with the Deschanel accent. I know Zoe has it to, but she doesn't have a 4+ season show available to stream from Netflix, and she is too cutesy. Sometimes the supporting characters can be a little annoying - they're not super developed - and I'm not completely sold on David Boreanaz post-Buffy, but the combo of science and wit is really enjoyable for a straightforward procedural drama, and I'm not worried about my love of those until I pick up NCIS or any Law and Order. Please stop me if I go there.

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