Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Monday, July 5

Party Down, Season Two
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Jennifer's Body

Really I watched all of these on July 4th after a delicious Waffle House breakfast. I prefer Jane Lynch to Megan Mullally on Party Down, but it was still a great season. Not sure what else to say other than boy 10 episodes fly when everyone else is barbecuing away and you are watching people cater an orgy. I'm so sad that it has been canceled. Someone start a campaign to revive it!

Anchorman was on, and so for fun I watched parts of it. I had given myself some distance from the massively over-quoted, over-watched film since it came out, and I was finally able to enjoy it again. Success.

Speaking of success, I experienced the opposite watching Jennifer's Body, Diablo Cody's script about a girl who, after a satanic ritual gone awry, develops a thirst for human blood, preferably pouring out of the mutilated pelvis of a teenage boy. The movie was considered a huge flop, but I actually didn't totally hate it. I can get past Megan Fox's acting -- it was actually appropriate for the role, and even though she is so ridiculously hot, I comfort myself knowing she is married to David Silver from 90210, thus her life can't be much better than mine. Amanda Seyfried played her helpless, moon-faced pal (named Needy) as well as you can when the script calls for you and your gal pal to call each other Monistat and Vagisil. That's the thing though, while Juno was trying with its witty dialogue and pop culture references, Jennifer's Body is reaching for them like I reach for homemade French fries- desperately, obviously and kind of pathetically. There were laughs, but they were outshadowed by otherwise poor dialogue. Surprisingly I actually enjoyed Adam Brody as the leader of a band trying to catch a break, but he's still Seth Cohen to me, no matter how much eyeliner he wears. So was the movie really awful? Depends on your taste. But it's also about the friendship between two young girls who have always been friends even though maybe they don't really have much in common. The thing is, other than looking hot, there is nothing else to Megan Fox's character to make you understand anything about her. She's shallow and pretty unlikeable, but so is Needy.

Due to a half day at work, a great cook out and supply shopping for my new cat, I haven't really watched TV today. What a step. Feels awful.

1 comment:

  1. I've actually secretly wanted to see Jennifer's Body for a while. Hm, maybe I will now...
