Couch Paigato

Paige + Potato = Puh-jay-toe


Tuesday, 6/29

Pretty Little Liars
Lie to Me
The Remains of the Day

Pretty Little Liars continues to be like a recent Britney Spears record. It's a little slutty, but it's so entertaining I can't help but like it. I can only say so much other than:
1. I want my own Mr. Fitz.
2. As much as I am hoes before bros, I kind of want the overachiever to hook up with her sister's ex-fiance.
This show makes me an awful person. Can't wait until next week.

Watched Lie to Me, and even though it's formulaic to the extreme (House + some procedural drama) I've loved Tim Roth since I saw him in The Legend of 1900. Even though his weird hunch and rat teeth are a little weird. Still like the show.

The Remains of the Day just proves that I still can't see Anthony Hopkins without picturing him in a onesie behind a plastic wall. Sorry, bro. I was pushed, ever so gently, by Netflix Instant who told me that this movie would be disappearing from Instant soon, thus lighting a fire under my couch-sitting ass. I liked it. I can't tell you why, as most of it was Anthony Hopkins bringing drinks to a Nazi sympathizer. But, I mean, it won a shit load of awards. Great performance by Hopkins, Emma Thompson, who, in the final scenes by the boardwalk and on the bus completely and totally broke my heart and even Christopher Reeve (random!). And the story is wonderfully told with letters between Thompson and Hopkins, exchanged years after they served together in the Darlington home, remembering old times, glossing over the bad and slowly changing Hopkins' perception of his lifetime of devotion to his household. Lovely, really, and I mean - it's British so you know I'm going to like it. And I work well with time limits, so expect to hear about The Closet, a French film, by July 1st...

1 comment:

  1. God, I need to get caught up on PLL, stat!

    What was your choice beverage of choice??
